
Atameken and Prosecutor General's Office united

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"Atameken" and Prosecutor General's Office signed the agreement

On 2nd of September the Agreement on interaction between NCE RK "Atameken" and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on joint detection and resolution of system problems of entrepreneurs was signed.

The purpose of the Agreement is to strengthen the rule of law and order in the field of entrepreneurial activity, timely identification and resolution of systemic problems of business entities in Kazakhstan.

Cooperation will ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs, through the development and implementation of an event aimed at identifying, solving systemic problems and overcoming administrative barriers.

The Agreement also provides for joint monitoring of normative legal acts, law enforcement practices of state bodies, for the presence of administrative barriers in them. In addition, cooperation enables the exchange of information that provides mutual interest, assessing the effectiveness of the work of the prosecution authorities and regional chambers to address the systemic problems of entrepreneurs.

This Agreement was signed in accordance with the previously concluded Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation between the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan and "Atameken" on the protection of entrepreneurs' rights dated by December 23, 2013 and on a legally binding basis stipulates actions that each of the Parties will take as part of the implementation of the Agreement.

Joint work within the framework of this Agreement will allow more effective implementation of work on business support and timely resolution of emerging issues of business entities.

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