
On the introduction of dual training in Kazakhstan

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In Kazakhstan, the introduction of dual training began in 2012.

"It is no accident that the business community, along with the state, takes an active part in the dual training program. Today, business provides 80% of the gross domestic product, and we really need modern qualified personnel. To get them, businessmen provide colleges for training their personnel, and technical platforms. For five years, which operates the dual training program, we can already talk about the results. In the regions, the picture with the employment of young specialists has changed qualitatively. And in general, the personnel reserve of the country is now experiencing an influx of fresh forces", - said Lyazzat Shonaeva, deputy director of the human capital development department of NCE RK “Atameken”.

Now the mechanism of interaction is as follows. It involves several parties, regional chambers of entrepreneurs, enterprises and educational institutions. These parties initially concluded memoranda of cooperation among themselves. The main task is to ensure the transparency of labor relations. After all, business communities will conclude labor contracts with students, and all the time that they will conduct in practice - and this is two or three years, it will counted as time in employment.

For five years of work in different regions of Kazakhstan, dual training marked the main and secondary tasks that require a joint decision by the state and its partners in the business environment. In the next five years, Kazakhstan intends to allocate about 118 billion tenge for the development of the dual training program. Annually, the program will attract 22,000 young people. They are students of grades 9-11, who will master at least two specialties in various sectors of the economy.

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