
Pharmacy and medical services: Atameken summed up the results

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Committee of the pharmaceutical, medical industry and medical services summarized the results of the year

On 25th of December was held the final meeting of the Committee of Pharmaceutical, Medical Industry and Medical Services of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken".

The event was chaired by the Chairman of the Committee Dzhambulat Sarsenov with the participation of Yuliya Yakupbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE RK "Atameken" and Alexei Tsoy, Vice Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the meeting of the Committee were heard the results of the work of the Committee for 2017 and planned events for 2018.

"Thanks to the efforts of the Committee members and the interaction of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other state bodies, a lot of work has been done. However, by the end of the year quite a lot of problems remained. Currently, issues remain unsettled for the implementation of GMP and GDP, the elimination of restrictions on the treatment of drugs at all stages, removal of barriers to the implementation of long-term contracts (inclusion in the lists of purchases, pricing), accelerate approval of amendments to simplify the methodology for assessing the value of products of domestic producers", - noted Yuliya Yakupbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken", opening the meeting of the Committee.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of the RK added that to date 28% of manufacturers have received GMP certificates and 6% received GDP certificates, the committee has created a queue of applications for inspection due to insufficient work of the inspectorate. The data presented indicate that the percentage of issued certificates is insignificant and requires a decision on the current situation.

As a result of discussion of this issue, the meeting of the Committee reached a unanimous consensus on the need to address the issue of the timing of the introduction of GMP and GDP. In addition, they agreed to jointly hold explanations on the procedure for obtaining the GMP and GDP standards at the site of the National Chamber and the organization of the first meeting by January 1, 2018.

"The Ministry of Health is ready to conduct free training courses to international standards of GXP representatives of the pharmaceutical industry throughout Kazakhstan", - said Vice Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alexei Tsoy.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva, summarizing the issues of pharmacy, stressed the need to create a joint Roadmap with connection of responsible persons, both from the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan and from the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

During the meeting, the participants also discussed one of the important issues - the introduction of compulsory medical insurance, which, according to a joint decision of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" and the Ministry of Health of the RK, was postponed to 2020.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva stressed that without the introduction of a multifunctional health information system, the patient's electronic passport and improving the quality of medical services, successful implementation of MSHI is not possible.

Bayan Imasheva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC IC "Kazakhinstrakh", voiced the repeatedly raised problematic issues of combining VHI packages with MSHI. They also spoke about the need to address such problems as the lack of limits on the provision of services and packages, the difference in funding and the inability to rate the services of MSHI.

In addition to the previous speaker, Acting Chairman of the Board of LLP Medicare Aigul Segizbayeva noted that for the successful operation of the private sector, it is necessary to exclude excessive state regulation and administrative barriers with the participation of new service providers, ensure the unhindered integration of information systems of private medical organizations with state information portals and implement a pilot project of centralized service of citizens within SGBP / MSHI and VHI in one of the private medical centers.

The result of the discussion was the decision to develop a joint roadmap on the implementation of information systems, improve the quality, transparency and integration of SGBP, MSHI and VHI packages in the provision of medical services to the public.

Also, the participants of the meeting of the Committee did not ignore the problem and prospects for the development of public-private partnership in healthcare.

As the Chairman of the Committee Dzhambulat Sarsenov noted: "The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs RK "Atameken" together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan are aimed to actively implement PPP projects, as today it is one of the effective tools for improving and expanding business. 2018 was declared the year of PPP in this connection, one of the main directions of the Committee's work will be the development of PPP in public health: the development of model projects, discussion and implementation of the PPP program mechanism".

A lot of attention is paid to the single perspective plans for the development of health infrastructure in the regions. Planning of PPP projects will be based on these plans. In this connection, it is suggested to discuss the plans of the regions with the public on the Atameken site.

In conclusion, Sarsenov noted that the past year had achieved a lot thanks to the successful joint work of the government body and the business community

"Next year it is necessary to concentrate on the main promising areas of healthcare, touched upon today at the meeting", - he concluded.

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