
New rules on outdoor advertisement entered into force

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New rules and regulations on the placement of outdoor (visual) advertising will solve misunderstandings between government agencies and businesses.

The document was developed by the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Atameken NCE RK. Read the rules here.

In particular, the Rules provide that “the amount of payment for the first and subsequent months of placing outdoor (visual) advertising is calculated in accordance with the base monthly rates approved by the Tax Code, based on the location and area of ​​the advertising side, regardless of its quantity”.

Earlier, businessmen appealed to Atameken with complaints about the actions of akimats, who declared the need to pay a tax on visual advertising for each picture that appears on the screen, which was not true.

The Rules resolved controversial issues on the design of windows and storefronts. In particular, it is allowed to place information inside the glass window and  storefronts and only about the goods or services sold in the outlet.

In addition, it is allowed to place visual advertising on outdoor furniture (equipment) installed by local executive agencies or investors at their own expense. It is possible to do after the conclusion of contracts with local executive agencies, concluded on the basis of open competitions’ results.


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