
 Re-registration and tariff setting: Owners of the wagons discussed current industry issues

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The current state and prospects of the railway industry development were discussed at the expanded meeting of the Subcommittee on railway transport with the participation of the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NC KTZ JSC Kanat Almagambetov.

In the course of the meeting, the Chairman of the Subcommittee Ilya Segal raised the issues of interaction between the participants of the transportation process, the procedure of re-registration of wagons, tariff formation, and also heard the report of the Subcommittee's activities for the first half of 2019.

"Our Subcommittee has carried out certain work to resolve existing problematic issues both within the working group on improvement of the regulatory framework and technology of interaction of new subjects in the market of railway services at the MIID RK, and during the working meetings with the management of the NC KTZ JSC," Ilya Segal said.

Also, as Ilya Segal said, now there is a need for the MIID RK together with NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC to work out the possibility of integrating the software to receive the service of registration and re-registration of cars in one window through the installation of an interface.  

Also, during the meeting, the representative of Atasu group LLP Amanbay Tuleushin noted the existing problem of impersonal supply of cars to Altynkol station.

"We have repeatedly met with the management of KTZ-Gruzovye perevozki JSC and reported that our fitting platforms go to transshipment sites, and we, the owners of rolling stock, learn about this the Iast. I appeal to the representatives of NC KTZ JSC with a request to solve this issue as soon as possible," Amanbay Tuleushin said.

At the same time, Kanat Almagambetov noted that NC KTZ JSC is working hard to improve the quality of services provided by the railway, in particular, the emphasis is placed on high customer focus.

"Soon the working group to the KTZ-Gruzovye perevozki JSC will be created on the organization of transportations and work with clients’ claims and inquiries," Kanat Almagambetov said.

Freight forwarders and wagon owners also stressed that there are difficulties in organizing container trains from the People's Republic of China.

In turn, Kanat Almagambetov assured that the given transportations are open for all interested organizations, and NC KTZ JSC works on the creation of favorable conditions and flexible tariff policy concerning container transportations.

Following the results of the meeting of the Subcommittee, the experts defined several questions in the sphere of railway transport, demanding joint study.

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