
Atameken and MIID RK made joint statement on improvement of mechanism of issuing CT-KZ certificate

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Based on the results of the analysis of law enforcement practice, taking into account the requests from business entities, the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Infrastructure Development and the Atameken NCE RK developed specific measures to improve the mechanism for issuing a CT-KZ certificate of origin of goods.

These measures cover all elements of the certification process, both on the part of the Committee, as the regulatory authority, and on the part of the Atameken, as the issuing authority.

This was announced by the Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the MIID RK Arman Shakkaliev and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE RK Dana Zhunusova.

Arman Shakkaliev, the Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the MIID RK:

"The process of issuing CT-KZ certificates is divided into two stages, consisting of expertise and the issue itself. To improve the examination stage, we, as a regulatory body, imagine this work in the following.

First of all, it is the quality of work of expert auditors, who examine the technological process, documents confirming the origin of goods, identification of goods, and most importantly - the calculation of the share of local content. The main document at the exit from the expert auditor is the act of expertise on the basis of which the Regional Chambers of Atameken issue CT-KZ.

To minimize violations, we are currently strengthening qualification requirements for auditors, plan to increase their responsibility, as well as tightening the certification of experts by introducing testing in the Agency for Civil Service.

Secondly, based on the results of the analysis of business appeals, we have identified the risks of the ambiguity of requirements to commodity items, allowing in certain cases to interpret technological operations in two ways. For example, the combination of foreign content requirements and simple assembly operations is controversial and mutually exclusive.

In this regard, we will detail and specify technological operations in terms of product groups in each industry".

Dana Zhunusova, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Atameken NCE RK:

"Thanks to the joint active dialogue between the Atameken NCE RK, domestic business and the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology, we have reached a mutual understanding of the need for joint efforts to improve the entire process of issuing the ST-KZ certificate.

We analyzed the situation. We issued 18,000 certificates between 2017 and 2019, we received 112 complaints, including 44 certificates that were confirmed as violated. That is, it is only 0.2% of all issued certificates for three years. At the same time, it should be noted that 40 out of the 44 violations were committed as the fault of expert auditors.

The process of issuing CT-KZ is carried out in two stages and is based on the activities of experts-auditors certified in the Committee’s system. But no less important is the responsibility of the regional chamber employees as the final link in issuing the certificate.

Therefore, the Atameken NCE RK once again emphasize zero tolerance for violations.

To prevent the illegal issuance of CT-KZ certificates, the responsibility and qualification requirements for the staff of the regional chambers will be strengthened. Also, work is being done to automate the entire business process of issuing CT-KZ with the provision of access to the Committee’s employees, which will allow to carry out the relevant desk control and apply preventive measures in accordance with the legislation.

Thus, we strive for a high level of transparency of procedures, i.e. transparency of the entire certification process and exclusion of data falsification".

This work consists of a set of measures, both legislative and internal operational processes, which are reflected in the Joint Action Plan for the next six months. The parties have agreed to resolve the existing problem in the issuance of CT-KZ certificates as soon as possible".

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