
Restrictions on food exports introduced since 22 March in Kazakhstan

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The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan suspends the issuance of certificates of origin for basic food exporters in connection with the adoption of the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the ban on exporting certain goods from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to third countries" dated March 22, 2020, № 103.

The ban on the export of basic foodstuffs was introduced during the State of Emergency regime in Kazakhstan. The list of banned products includes buckwheat, wheat, and wheat-rye flour, cabbage, carrot, turnip, beet, onion, sugar, sunflower seeds, and sunflower oil.

This measure is a non-tariff regulation measure introduced to prevent critical shortages in the domestic food market during emergencies. 

The Atameken NCE RK, as an organization authorized to issue certificates of origin of goods, notifies the business that it is forced to suspend the issuance of export certificates of origin for the above products for the period of the ban.

At the same time, we inform you that after the lifting of the ban on the export of foodstuffs, the Chamber will resume the issuance of certificates as usual, without restrictions.

The full text of the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be found here:  "On the introduction of a ban on the export of certain goods from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to third countries" dated March 22, 2020, № 103.

Atameken forms a list of business problems occurred during the State of Emergency and quarantine and conducts a business survey here.

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