
Rimma Salykova: "Effective implementation of the tasks will depend on the interaction between business and government"

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We will be able to carry out jointly with local and state authorities these ambitious tasks, says the chair of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region Rimma Salykova

Chair of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region, the head of the Supervisory Board of LLP "Almaty paints" Rimma Salykova expressed her opinion on the Address of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness".

"Each President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan determines the future development strategy, full of new ideas and proposals. In this address all five priorities are closely connected with the business that encourages us. The third modernization of Kazakhstan – is another global program of the President on support of entrepreneurship. We, as representatives of the business community, have already begun to fully explore and discuss the document and to prepare proposals for its effective implementation. For example, we carry out the adjustment of our economic plans, social programs. This priority is implementation of innovative technologies in the production processes", - says Rimma Salykova.

According to her, now the business has to do a titanic work on mass business development, the introduction of digital technology, micro-credit, public-private partnerships, reduction of administrative barriers and improvement of the agro-industrial complex.

"This ambitious task, we will be able to carry out jointly with local and state authorities, from the actions of which directly affect the state of the business climate in the region. Therefore, the interaction of business and government will affect the effective implementation of the tasks. A public agency, helping businesses, support stable economic development. Small and medium-sized businesses – are the backbone of our economy. Therefore, a joint and united work should be one of the key factors in the formation of Kazakhstan in number of 30 most developed countries ", - said chairman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Rimma Salykova.


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