
Kazakhstan could become one of the world's largest agricultural producers

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General director of LLP "NovoAldzhansky Flour Plant" Kanat Tapaev shares the opinion of the Head of State that in AIC Kazakhstan has a promising future

"Having studied the Address of the President of the country, he said a few things, namely the need to improve productivity, the development of export products produced in Kazakhstan", - said the businessman.
The Head of State in his address said that the agricultural sector should become the new driver of the economy. "I share fully the opinion that the Kazakhstan has a promising future. For many items, we can be one of the world's largest manufacturers of agricultural exports. Transition from primary production to the production of high-quality, recycled products can help our manufacturers to compete on international markets. At the moment, we have opened huge markets of the Eurasian Union, the WTO. China also provides invaluable potential of opportunities for manufacturers of Kazakhstan. Everything said in the Address allows us to achieve the main objectives of the Strategy-2050 - Kazakhstan's joining the 30 most developed countries", - concluded Kanat Tapaev.

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