
We need "manpower"

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Development of the system of training of technical and professional personnel opens great opportunities

"With great enthusiasm we take the words of the President on the need to develop a system of training of technical and professional personnel, it gives us great potential in our work", - said the director of the Pavlodar Economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz Zauresh Doschanova.

It is encouraging that in the current year within the framework of the program "Free technical and vocational education for all", volunteers will have a chance to receive the first working trade free of charge. At the same time participants of this program will be graduates of 9-11th grades, unemployed persons, young people up to 29 years, with no qualifications, persons who are in difficult situations, as well as persons belonging to vulnerable groups.

Good help is that young people will be given the opportunity to receive two or more blue-collar occupations and training on a flexible modular program. Here it should be noted that students will be provided with free travel, scholarships and free hot meals.

In addition, Zauresh Amenovna notes that as a result of the measures the coverage of youth by technical and vocational education will provide the labor market with qualified experts, which naturally will benefit the staffing needs of companies in the region. As it is known, the regions experience structural imbalance of supply and demand of labor, that is, there is a shortage of personnel of technical specialties.

To improve the efficiency of the program, there was provided updating of the content of VET to satisfy needs of industrial and innovative development of the country, professional standards will be improved in the priority sectors of the economy. Teachers undoubtedly note the positive effect of the introduction of valuable national patriotic ideas "Mangilik El" at VET organizations.


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