
Committee of the information and communication technology, education and innovation

The Committee was established for the effective interaction of the business community with the public authorities to tackle the challenges of the National Chamber related to the development of information and communications industry and the development of "green economy".

Its task is to analyze and to develop proposals for the Presidency and the Management Board of the National Chamber  on:

  1. conceptual approaches to public policy in the field of information and communications industry and the development of  green economy;

  2. improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on information and communications industry and the development of  green economy;

  3. identification of priority issues in the field of information and communications industry and the development of green economy, requiring legislative and organizational solutions;

  4. participation in the development and implementation of government policy documents on the development of information and communications industry and the development of green economy;

  5. strengthening of cooperation with international organizations and companies.

On Information

On approval of the Concept of Innovation Development of Kazakhstan till 2020

State program "Information Kazakhstan - 2020"

The program "Business Road Map 2020"

Regulations on provision of innovative grants for training technical personnel abroad, on attraction of highly qualified foreign specialists for consulting, design and engineering organizations, the introduction of managerial and production technologies

Rules of innovative grants for the purchase of technology, industrial research, support for the production of high-tech products at the initial stage of development, patenting in foreign countries, and (or) regional patent organizations

Regulations on provision of innovative grants for technology commercialization

On measures of implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated by January 9, 2012, "On state support of industrial innovation"

On state support of industrial innovation

On approval of the National Road Map for the implementation of the Concept of Innovation Development of Kazakhstan till 2020

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the transition of Kazakhstan to" green economy "

Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 31, 2013 # 750 "On Approval of the Action Plan on implementation of the Concept of transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the" green economy" for 2013 - 2020
