
"Stop scaring business!" - Almaty entrepreneurs are tired of tax audits

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The National Chamber of entrepreneurs discussed the development of small and medium enterprises in the conditions of the new economic policy.

The first person to deliver a speech at the meeting of three committees (the tourism industry, the development of SMEs and Trade) was the founder of the travel company “SAYAT” Inna Ray, who said that the tourism industry was hit hard by falling tenge rate.

"We believe that there is an urgent need to intervene in this process and to improve the situation. At least help travel agents, who are in this hard situation. We offer to equate all the services that are included in the tour to the equivalent of a dollar in Kazakhstan. The biggest component of any tour is a flight, which is based on the costs of the airline. Company Expenses are mainly expenses related to the services, rendered at the international airport, and there services are available in US dollars", - she said.

"At the moment, it is very easy to calculate the losses, which incurred tourist industry. Given the fact that the President speaks about the support of structures, which were severely damaged during the transition to a floating rate of tenge, we offer to consider compensation for losses that are impossibly high for the tourism industry", - she added.

The representative of the Department of Tourism Industry Kairat Sadvakasov agreed that the situation is difficult and suggested to conduct another meeting. "It requires an integrated approach because it applies not only to the DIT, but also the Civil Aviation Committee. All proposals will be discussed ", - he promised.

Chairman of the Committee of the tourism industry Rosa Asanbaeva, in turn, said that the Minister of Economy Erbolat Dosayev completely blocked the legislative framework for new projects, such as the creation of STZ - special tourist zones.

"We ask to strengthen domestic tourism, and 10 million of Kazakh tourists who travel abroad, to leave in Kazakhstan. For this we need introduction of tourist certificates. To make it as before when there were trade union vouchers. The company pays for trips to resorts in Kazakhstan ", - she said.

In addition, Asanbaeva proposed to introduce the so-called bed tax for hotel guests. "In the luxury hotels stay mostly oil workers, foreigners, travelers. And for them to pay 1 US dollar a day  is nothing. Currently Astana does a million bed-days. Tourism will not ask for money from the budget. We will get them from tourists", - she said.

Meanwhile, via the video conference mode, the Acting Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty oblast Yury Tleumuratov  addressed to the moderator of the meeting deputy chairman of NCE RK Gulnar Kurbanbaeva. "I address to you personally, Gulnar Turetaevna, to the leadership of NCE RK "Atameken" about the situation that has developed with SMEs in the city of Almaty. For more than 3 months are a large group of (at least 170) of the State Revenue Committee works here. Tax officers evade from the risk management system, checking all importers on the timing and conduct audits for months. I know one company, where an audit was conducted for one month, they found some insignificant fault and extanded an audit for another month. Please refer to the leadership of the State Revenue Committee with the request to stop this raid in Almaty", - he said.

Chairman of the Board of Kazakhstan Association of Entrepreneurs "KAZKA" Zhumabek Zhanykulov proposed to introduce moratorium on inspections of businesses in times of crisis. "This experience has been, it is very helpful for business to come to life. As auditors sit in different companies for months, it simply stops the business. If we support this appeal, I think the head of state will support us", - he said.

The representative of the Forum of Entrepreneurs Gulnar Kuanganova, in turn, proposed to introduce a moratorium on new forms of regulation that "the Government comes up with" - the new taxes, fees, additional customs administration measures.

At the end of the meeting the adviser of Gulnar Kurbanbaeva Nurlan Mukaliev delivered a speech. He described the three new projects that NCE proposes to implement. "First, the establishment of the Central Institute for Quality Management and competitiveness. NCE is an infrastructure of training consultants. It is supposed to prepare experts in lean manufacturing. Passing practice at the training facilities, these consultants receive specific skills and then increase the competitiveness of individual companies in various industries. The technology requires that the competitiveness of certain industries may rise several times. We have all the calculations", - he said.

The second initiative of the Chamber involves the introduction of factoring in the practice of financing SMEs. "Factoring is a financial instrument that allows the manufacturers and wholesale suppliers to provide their customers deferred payment. This tool is common in the West, it is poorly developed here. The survey showed that about 30% of entrepreneurs face the problems of delay payments", - said the speaker.

"And the third, the program of the sectoral development of SME - the so-called "City of Masters ". The idea is not new, its meaning is to concentrate on one area one sector of ​​SME: clothing production, printing and so on. Thus we reduce the costs of SMEs in the various activities, permits and everything else", - concluded Mukaliev.

Moderator of the meeting Gulnar Kurbanbaeva summarized all raised proposals. She noted that in times of crisis it is necessary to focus on import substitution with the new benchmarking tools, as well as to consider the introduction of the card system for socially important goods at a fixed price that is independent of commercial value, for certain groups of the population.

"The majority supported the need to appeal to the Head of State on the issue of the moratorium on new regulatory tools and audits at least for three years, in order to stabilize the situation", - she added.

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