
Ablay Myrzakhmetov: "Solving the immediate problems, we are killing investment climate, which was created over the years!"

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Tax policy issues were discussed at NCE with participation of businessmen, deputies and representatives of state agencies

The introduction of new taxes and the tightening of tax and customs administration – is one-time action that distorts the country's investment climate, which was being built over the years.

This was stated by the Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov at NCE RK at the public hearings on tax policy in relation to SMEs.

According to NCE, the tax authorities are often overacting, trying to meet the challenge of replenishing the country's budget. But their actions with respect to enterprises, in particular to foreign investors, whom they illegally charge with additional taxes, are unlawful.

"Foreign investors, owners of the largest companies, with whom I met in Mangistau, saying that it's not the charges, they say that they are ready to pay, but the existing investment climate in Kazakhstan, when a tax collector comes and says: I have a plan, you pay me, or I'll arrest your account. In my opinion, this is quite a dangerous situation. Solving immediate problems, we kill the country's investment climate, which has been created for years. But such actions can scare an investor to us and he will not return to our country", - summed Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

The Chairman of the Board of  NCE  "Atameken" stressed that the position is clear and government agencies need to carry out the task - to replenish the budget, and they have plans.

"But we just want you to hear – it is not a question related to emotions, there are sensible people here too, businesses, each one contributes to the state budget. We want to stress that the situation is serious, and in this issue (the introduction of new taxes and the tightening of tax administration) We don’t need to rush. It is necessary to carefully consider the issue before making any decision with regard to taxes, "- concluded the head of NCE RK "Atameken ".

At the same time Ablay Myrzakhmetov stressed that the National Chamber, which has sent to the Parliament an open appeal of the business community on the issue of unjustified tightening of fiscal policy, had one goal - to be heard!

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