
Timur Kulibayev "In Aktau will be created a Regional Investment Center"

- Mangistau Region
10347 просмотров

This was announced during a working meeting with members of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region of Kazakhstan by the Chairman of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

As it was noted, the Regional Investment Center will assist in the implementation of investment projects by lending, increasing business activity, as well as through attraction of foreign and domestic investments in the economy of the region. Activities of the RIC will be focused on market niches, which are usually left without the attention of the banking sector (projects of the industrialization maps, AIC, etc.). The priorities of the Regional Investment Center are light and food industry, construction, transport and logistics, trade, agriculture, oilfield services and tourism clusters.

"Together with the Akim we visited districts today, and, indeed, there is an urgent need for microcredit. We have agreed to take one of the districts of Mangistau region as a pilot, we discussed the issues of creation of the Regional Investment Center. I would like to note that NCE RK, on its part, is ready to invest funds (about 280 million tenge) in its creation. Akimat is ready to provide financing. The case of management and the Regional Council: it is necessary to work out the mechanism of how you will implement it - through the JV or you will create it within your structure? This is your question ", - said Timur Kulibayev, Chairman of the Board of NCE, asking  A. Myrzahmetov to take this issue under the control.

Then the head of the Presidium of NCE expressed his opinion on the creation of an industrial zone. According to him, NCE together with the Akimat needs to work with JSC NC "KazMunayGas" to find out what form of transmission from the national company is possible in this case.

"I think that it is possible to apply the scheme of transfer on the balance of Akimat, and then we have to conclude agreements with the Akimat on the creation of an industrial zone", - said Timur Kulibayev.

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