
Ablay Myrzakhmetov: "Mini-industrial parks are required for a small business"

- Kyzylorda Region
10394 просмотров

Ready infrastructure will solve many problems of small and medium-sized enterprises

The issue of effectiveness of small and medium entreprises in the presence of the industrial zones was discussed at a meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

This topic was raised in his speech by the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, explaining why hangars and unused buildings can be a suitable infrastructure for small business.

The Chairman of the Board of NCE RK said that "Atameken" is guided by the Employment Roadmap 2020, carried out an analysis to determine what infrastructure is needed for SMEs.

"As it is stated in the Road Map of employment, about 13 billion tenge were allocated for infrastructure. However, you should pay attention to this point. Let's look at an example of an ordinary bakery. Its infrastructure in the framework of the program "Road Map of Employment" for 1 year will cost 5 times more. And if you have a finished the hangar, in addition to the bakery, you can open several other facilities. We discussed this issue with the Deputy Prime Minister Dariga Nazarbayeva, and she supported the idea. Now, under the program, together with infrastructure will be built hangars. And we, in turn, will assist with escort of projects. On the one hand, a ready infrastructure for small businesses, and on the other, additional work for local builders", - aired his thoughts the Chairman of NCE Ablay Myrzahmetov regarding this topic.

It is worth noting that at present the work is on the creation of industrial zones in in the district centers of the region, there are 4 industrial zones in some of the seven regions. In other districts were allocated land plots, currently we are working on connection of engineering networks. In Kyzylorda city there is an industrial zone on an area of ​​760 hectares, and an industrial site on ​​44 hectares. The regional Chamber of entrepreneurs within the developed business development map will work actively on development of the allocated land.

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