
Tulemis Shotanov: "The map will be of great help to our entrepreneurs"

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The Regional map of entrepreneurship development will start to function in March of next year in the regions of Kazakhstan 

This was announced at a press briefing at the Service of Central Communications by the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov. He added that the map was developed by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE RK explained in detail to the reporters what a regional map of development of entrepreneurship is.

"This map includes 14 regions of Kazakhstan and two cities of republican status, which will include a map of each district with factor analysis (natural and mineral resources, logistics, markets, barriers), including information about capacity building, connection to the grid and the etc., information about large, medium and small businesses",- said Shotanov.

According to him, the map is a kind of website, to which every entrepreneur can get an access and get answers to all the outstanding questions.

"The practical application the map of development of entrepreneurship gives every business entity the information about potential opportunities that exist in each region, taking into account its economic specialization. The map contains detailed factor analysis: what are natural mineral resources that exist in a particular region, its logistics capabilities, supply markets in neighboring regions and even countries, etc. In addition, we surveyed more than 8,000 business entities, to find out what barriers hinder business. That is, we must have an understanding of what are the regional restrictions that prevent the effective implementation of business initiatives. the issue of subjectivity is also very important. Entrepreneurs need to have information about with whom they can cooperate in a particular area or a particular region. And in the end - this is a list of potential projects that can be implemented in view of all that I have said above. We believe that the map will be of great help to our entrepreneurs, as today we have such an instrument in the country", - said Tulemis Shotanov.

According to the deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken", the key objective was to determine the drivers of growth, the priority areas in which they can invest their funds.

According to him, the overall database of the map includes information on 306 038 business entities, including 4249 subjects of large and medium-sized businesses, and 301,789 small business entities.

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