
Everything has been put on the map

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An online version of the map of regional development of entrepreneurship was presented to foreign embassies in Kazakhstan

The event was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan with invitation of diplomats from foreign embassies, which are accredited in our country. This gives grounds to say that the IT-premiere took place at the global level.

Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov stressed that the opening of a new web resource was preceded by a thorough preparation. It is not just about the technical side of things, but also about the preparation of the web-site’s concept. "Before the development of this product, we asked the question: what does a potential investor need to start a business in Kazakhstan? In addition to a favorable business environment, to creation of which contributes NCE RK "Atameken", any investor must have an adequate and objective information on the opportunities in the regions of Kazakhstan", - said T. Shotanov.

"We have tried to answer four key questions: what to produce, where to produce, for whom to produce and with whom to produce. It is very important to have a subjective idea with whom you can collaborate in a particular region of Kazakhstan", - continued T. Shotanov.

Another feature of the map is detailed information on each of the 14 regions of Kazakhstan, as well as the investment situation in Astana and Almaty. Users can not only get current information, but also to learn about the specific features, such as the geographical location of a region. "For example, we can see that the West Kazakhstan region borders with five Russian regions, so you can develop transport and logistics", - gave an example T. Shotanov.

During the opening of the session of questions and answers, the foreign diplomats paid special attention to the relevance and reliability of the information posted on the web-site. Representatives of embassies were also interested in whether information on the map is integrated with the information submitted to foreign investors at the Ministry for Investment and Development (MID). In turn, the presenters noted that in the future NCE RK "Atameken" and MID RK plan to work together to enhance the capacity of the website.

Commenting on the presentation, representatives of embassies praised the new project of NCE RK "Atameken". "For our embassy it would be a very useful resource, because it contains all the information, especially since it is presented in English. Because there is always a problem with languages ​​and access to this information", - said in an interview to Assistant on Trade of the South African Embassy in Kazakhstan Dana Maginskaya.

"Of course, we will recommend this resource not only to all potential investors but also to government agencies of South Africa. We very little information about Kazakhstan in South Africa, businessmen are interested in the possibility of implementing joint projects in the mining industry, technology exchange", - added D. Maginskaya.

The web-site maps was launched a little more than a month ago, nevertheless, we can talk about a stable inflow of visitors not only from Kazakhstan, but also Russia, Ukraine, USA. The online map is available in two languages ​​- English and Russian, and Kazakh version will be launched soon.

Zhanar Serdalina

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