
Personnel will be trained at the request of the employers

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Regional Chambers of entrepreneurs got the explanation about the main directions of the updated program "Employment Road Map-2020"

Via a video conference the National Chamber organized a training seminar for representatives of RCE on this subject.

According to Daulet Argandykov, the President of JSC "Information-Analytical Center on employment issues", in the framework of incorporation of changes and additions to the "Employment Roadmap 2020", such as teaching to the basics of entrepreneurship, provision of micro-loans, facilitation of employment through training and relocation.

In general, it was noted that the paradigm of openinng and expansion of a business completely changes in the framework of the "Road Map Employment 2020". Employment approaches will be adjusted for the needs of employers and participation of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs and its regional branches will be enhanced.

There were given explanations on the organization and conduction of the survey among employers to determine the short-term staffing needs. Materials on these issues can be fount at the link

Reference: For targeted facilitation of employment in the framework of updating the Road map of employment (approved by the Governmental Decree dated by December 22, 2015 #1029), the National Chamber of entrepreneurs will participate in the implementation of the following areas:

Stimulation of entrepreneurial initiative in learning the basics of the business on the basis of centers for servicing entrepreneurs and / or business support centers.

It is planned to expand the functional of CSE and BSC in the service support cycle "selection of business ideas - learning the basics of entrepreneurship – provision of a micro-loan - a contract for the provision of services to support the project for a period of up to one year".

Update of the microcredit mechanism implies provision of a micro-credit only after learning the basics of entrepreneurship on the basis of BSC / or CSE.

Promotion of employment through training and relocation within the employer's needs

The program provides for the following.

Employment Centers work on the organization of vocational training and / or employment of participants in the program is carried out independently or with the assistance of the regional branches of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", private employment agencies and / or non-governmental organizations execute it in accordance with current legislation on public procurement and / or on public social order.

The participant of the program after the consultation with an employer selects the type of vocational training program and educational organization in accordance with the staffing needs of certain employment centers in cooperation with the regional branches of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

Additionally, there are the following areas:

- Provision of state grants for training and further training;

- Temporary subsidies for two-thirds of the lost income will be given to skilled workers of enterprises at national and regional levels for shorter working hours.


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