
Timur Kulibayev: "Microloans - fast and efficient way to ensure the employment of people, especially in rural areas"

- West Kazakhstan Region
9173 просмотров

In Kazakhstan, where half the population lives in rural areas, agricultural business can solve many problems

This was stated at the enlarged meeting of the Regional Council of the West Kazakhstan region by the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

"We see that the shelves are full of imported food. Even the food basket is not filled with domestic products! How can I retain inflation if we spend currency on food from outside? The cost of imported goods affects the domestic market, and on the increase of inflation in the country. And it is hard for enterprises of West Kazakhstan region, which border with five regions of the Russian Federation, to compete with imported goods", - said the head of NCE.

According to him, specific assistance should be rendered to rural business. For this it is necessary to improve the system of state subsidies and agribusiness measures to develop a program for the development of irrigation and water supply, to develop approaches for the development of agricultural engineering capabilities, to update the program "Agribusiness 2020". "Currently, a microloan is an important tool for business support. This is the fastest and most effective way to ensure the employment of people, especially in rural areas", - said Timur Kulibayev.

According to the head of "Atameken", the National Chamber of entrepreneurs launched a microcredit program for small businesses. As part of the program on a parity basis is granted 300 million tenge both from the private sector and from local executive bodies.

WKR is not yet among those regions which were involved in this process, however there is progress in this direction. "We obtained support of Akimat. Now we are waiting for a reciprocal gesture from the big business that can and should help SMEs in the difficult economic conditions ", - summed Timur Kulibayev.

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