
NCE suggested to exclude network and wholesale trade from the scope of the SME

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This proposal was made during the meeting of the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Timur Kulibayev with the Chairman of the Committee for Development of SME NCE RK Raimbek Batalov.

According to him, as for assets the wholesalers and networkers can be referred to the large-scale business with its own interests (other requests and needs in the level of state support, privileges and preferences, etc.)

Chairman of the Committee for Development of SME also informed the head of the Presidium of NCE on the work plan of the Committee for 2016, which consists of the four directions. In the first place, according to Raimbek Batalov, it is proposed to improve the legislation: the development of the Concept of the legislation for SMEs (law, the development program and so on.), changes in the tax legislation and in the field of control and surveillance activities, identification and elimination of administrative barriers.

The following measures are proposed in terms of access to finances: improvement of the state support, automation of the lending system for SME, including optimization, unification of the package of documents and the ability to supply them electronically using the electronic signature, the expansion of micro-credit financing, suggestion of new opportunities for SMEs (participation in regional procurement, Maps of regional development, acquisition of franchises and so forth).

Regarding information support Batalov said that there will be provided methodological, informational and consultative support for SME, conduction of special trainings, seminars and webinars and development of standard brochures.

According to him, it is planned to promote mechanisms of cooperation: the development of the Concept of industrial zones and business incubators for SMEs, and other new tools of cooperation.

Chairman of the Committee for Development of SME were informed by the head of the Presidium of NCE on the results of the previous year. So, as a result of simplification of requirements for the provision of road services: 300 entrepreneurs were able to keep the business, 1,200 jobs were saved, the expenses of entrepreneurs in the amount of not less than 150 million tenge were saved.

Raimbek Batalov also said that changes were introduced in the order of MID of Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the permissible parameters of vehicles intended to be driven on the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the nomenclature of economic activities was supplemented by the production of natural wine, 8 statistical forms were abolished (5%), changes were introduced in 151 form (95%).

The result of the work of the Committee is that it managed to delay the introduction of the compulsory use of cash registers with lock and data transfer function from July 1, 2014 to July 1, 2015. Moreover, SMEs were not audited in connection with this new requirement until 1st of January 2016. As a result of it, the business costs were reduced in the amount of 3.8 billion tenge, the installation and use of POS-terminals - until 1.1.16, for businesses applying special tax regime, the costs of payment of fees for the transaction were reduced: for patents - at least 7 billion tenge and for simplified declarations - not less than 10 billion tenge per year.

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