
What is unique about the regional map of business development?

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According to the deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov, the new resource can be useful not only for business but also for Akimats

 Why is there a need to create such a resource?

- Because business needs information on how to invest effectively their finances. there was no such resource in Kazakhstan. There was some scattered information from local executive bodies in the various ministries and departments, but this generalized unified interactive digitized information did not exist. Regional map of business development brings a lot of advantages. Any person, before implementation of any business idea, it is necessary to obtain reliable objective information about business conditions, the opportunities that are available in this or that region. He must know the economic specialization of a particular area. In this regard, the regional map helps to ensure that a businessman, both existing and potential, who entered this resource, are able to get answers to most questions.

- The regional map of business development is created. What kind of work is Chamber going to conduct further in this direction? How will feedback get from entrepreneurs?

- The main advantage is not that we have developed such a resource, but that we are ready to accompany it. That is our regional Chamber of entrepreneurs willing to take the handle is interested something entrepreneur and give him a full range of support, ranging from assistance in developing a business plan. We are also ready to open the doors of Kazakhstani development institutions for an entrepreneur, to help with financing and markets through our various instruments. In addition, the resource has feedback. The entrepreneur can ask any question and get an answer. In other words, a map - is not a static mechanism, which once made and forgotten, it is a living organism that constantly evolves. After all, life does not stand still, there are some new players, and business conditions change. It will be updated. That is why we even specially created a window in the map, through which an entrepreneur will be able to ask an on-line question.

- What is so unique about this resource?

- This resource provides the most useful information on each region of Kazakhstan. I would be even happy if at geography lessons in the senior classes during the study of the unit "economic geography" would show this map. So that children know where we live, what conditions do we have, what are we rich with and what we can offer to the market.

We have analyzed the business environment, a factor analysis. At the same time, we assist to implementation of projects, idea to think of. It has a section "Projects". Of course, it is necessary to calculate each project, to look what risks it bears, what crash tests must be carried out. But, nevertheless, we give some ideas: it is possible to implement such a project in a given region.

We hope that this map will be lively, popular and relevant. But it is important that this map doesn’t stay only a matter of talk "talk and forget", to make sure that it does bring benefit. What do we need to do this? We need to promote it, to explain, to talk about it. We are ready to discuss. Yes, we understand that this is a unique product, so such thing can occur. We want to attract a wide public debate to this product. To get more feedback from the business in order to improve it.

- It turns out that the map is useful for those who are just planning to start their own business and for existing businesses, who are looking for markets, or potential partners?

- Absolutely. No wonder they say: "Forewarned - is forearmed". Let's say you decide to start a business. What should you start with it? You think of your skills and competencies. But this is not enough. You should get full information on how your product will be in demand at the market. This map allows you to see it all. For example, you want to engage in farming. You just go to this or that region and see the amount of precipitation, ground site class score and so on. Often we do not pay attention to these very important things. We say, "Ahead! It is necessary to start a business! Startup, venture investments, micro-loans, and so on. "It's cool, it's the tools that help a person. Before going into water, it is necessary to analyze options.

Therefore, it will be very interesting and useful for those who are just planning to start a business, and successful businessmen who are planning to diversify their production, to enter new markets. Before the creation of the map, the entrepreneurs had to go directly to the interested region, to meet with local authorities - big costs. Regional development map allows to obtain information on-line. There is a business registry at the site. It is important for entrepreneurs to have information about their potential counter-partners. The map includes the register of entrepreneurs, operating in Kazakhstan with the addresses and contacts. They can be sorted by region, industry and so on.

In addition, the map will serve as inputs for the local executive bodies. It is no secret that today, the business entities applying for the measures of state support, they face a dilemma. For example, one entrepreneur wants to build a plant for production of concrete, the other - house-building factory, and the third - a poultry farm. What to choose? The map can give an answer to this question. The representative of the authorized body can learn what type of business will be the most promising and popular in their region, where there are markets, appropriate personnel, logistics, etc. That is a very handy tool for everyone.

• will the map be available for foreign investors?

• Just last week I presented this map at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. How Charles de Gaulle used to say: "My main task - is to sell French products". Our diplomats should be conductors of the country's business ventures. We want to equip them with this knowledge. Now we want to talk about this map at a meeting with foreign ambassadors, so that they spread this information at home.

Now this map is in the Russian and English languages. In the near future it will be translated into the state, and then to the Chinese languages. There are suggestion to translate it into Arabic and Spanish.

When we communicate with different audiences, we receive certain requests. We will try to incorporate it in this map for sure. As for promotion of this map outside of Kazakhstan, the Foreign Trade Chamber will be responsible for it.

• What do entrepreneurs say about the map? Do you have any feedback?

• In private conversations with entrepreneurs, they say that the map is very useful, interesting, and express their wishes. We learn it from our regional chambers of entrepreneurs. We have planned this and next week a meeting via a videoconference with local executive bodies, entrepreneurs to discuss once again the further improvement and work plan, which will flow from this.

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