
"Atameken" expanded the geography of assistance rendered to SMEs

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Active consulting gains pace not only in the cities but also in rural areas

Infrastructure of Business Support Centers in Kazakhstan will continue its development. "These centers are located in 188 regional centers, single industry towns and cities", - said at the Government meeting the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

In the future only to aspiring entrepreneurs but also entrepreneurs-investors will be able to receive services at Business Support Centres, eventually the center will also advise on tax and customs issues.

"Two officers from the Fund “Damu” were transferred to our staff within the line of BSC", in some cities, taking into account the membership fees (paid to NCE RK  “Atameken”) the number was increased to five", - added A. Myrzakhmetov.

The Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" also informed the Government of Kazakhstan on the implementation of another state task - opening of centers of agricultural competence. "In fact, there will be established business support centers in the area where the number of rural population and self-employed citizens is high", - said A. Myrzakhmetov.

Evaluating the results of the function of training to basics of entrepreneurship, which was transferred to "Atameken" little more than a year ago, A. Myrzakhmetov stressed that, in the first place it is important "to ensure continuity".

"In 2015, we tripled the number of served entrepreneurs for the same money - 1.6 billion tenge (from the state budget), more than 35 000 entrepreneurs have received more than 55,000 services", - said A. Myrzakhmetov. And half of entrepreneurs are from rural areas, many of which received rapid and free consulting and obtained funding to implement their business projects, underwent training, found partners. The most popular services at the Centers for support of entrepreneurs - services of preparation of a business plan, consulting on tax, legal, accounting issues, participation in public procurement and questions about the basics of management.

Another achievement of NCE RK "Atameken" is provision of feedback by entrepreneurs. This work is successfully carried out not only in BSC, but also via Internet technologies. "There is a mobile application for provision of feedback. As a result, we plan to review the rendered services through feedback from entrepreneurs", - concluded Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Zhanar Serdalina

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