
The opinion of NCE will be taken into account during organization and conduction of the EXPO

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Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva joined the Public Council on the organization and holding of the EXPO-2017

The Public Council is an advisory body to the Management Board of JSC NC "Astana EXPO-2017". It is composed of prominent Kazakhstani and international public figures, scientists and specialized experts, representatives of civil society and business environment.

This public organization was set up so that the civil society has the opportunity to express its opinion on the organization and carrying out of such an important event as an international specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana.

The tasks of the Public Council include making recommendations and suggestions to the Board of the Company on matters related to the organization and holding of the exhibition, the development of interaction between the Company and the community to create favorable conditions for the organization and holding of the exhibition, presentation and discussion of other issues within the organization and holding of the exhibition.

Members of the Council have the right to make proposals for the formation of the agenda of the meetings of the organization, to examine documents related to the issues under consideration, to express their opinion on the substantive issues under discussion, to make comments and suggestions on the draft decisions and minutes of the Board meeting.

The meetings of the Public Council shall be held not less than once every two months.

In late June, is scheduled the meeting of the Council "EXPO gives impetus to the development of domestic tourism".

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