
The organizers of EXPO-2017 prepare a business directory

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Small domestic companies have the chance not only to earn money on provision of services to the participants of the international exhibition, but also to promote their companies globally.

Pharmacies, currency exchange, car rental, office equipment, translation, printing and legal services, catering, hostess services. Small and medium business can earn on provision of these and other services for the participants of the international exhibition EXPO-2017.

Today in Astana the representatives of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017" told about the program of commercial services provided to the member countries of EXPO-2017. Introducing the draft, the deputy director of the Department of Commercialization of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO-2017" Ilya Urazakov noted that the list includes types of services, first of all, needed for foreign delegations. "Our range includes 25 to 30 commercial services to be provided within the framework of the exhibition. These are requirements, which are necessary for people in their normal life", - said the representative of the national company.

The companies and firms have the opportunity not only to become the official commercial partner with the right to provide the stated services during preparation and holding of the exhibition, but also to be included in the business directory, which "Astana EXPO-2017" will give to all countries, which have confirmed their participation in the Expo. But for this, said Ilya Urazakov, you must first go through a competitive selection. If one or the other company will receive the status of a partner, then it will have to pay royalties to "Astana EXPO-2017".

In his comments Ilya Urazakov noted that "we did not invent the wheel, this is an international standard scheme, which provides two options". "One form of marketing is a fixed fee, the sum, which affordable, small. I can’t call it, it is not standardized. The second type of contribution, more precisely, the payment - the so-called royalty, you, as a licensee company, which provides services in the framework of the exhibition, pay us a certain percentage - as organizers from your total turnover, depending on the amount of services", - explained Deputy Director of the commercialization of the national company.

Asking about the amount of the royalties, Ilya Urazakov noted that by "international standards, it is on average from 3 to 15%, depending on the service".

It is planned to finalize the business directory for EXPO in November of this year, in connection with which the organizers of the exhibition encourage small-medium-sized businesses to compete now.

"As organizers, we are obliged to give the right of choice for the participants and the client groups that will benefit from these services. We do not assume that we have a rigorous selection process, we're just trying to test the reliability and quality of companies so that they don’t fail during the show, which will provide a particular service in a timely manner, within a reasonable amount, and most importantly, at a professional level ", - assured Ilya Urazakov.

According to the forecast of "Astana EXPO-2017", the exhibition will be visited by five million people, and it is expected that on average, each of them will be on the territory of the Expo from four to seven hours. According to the national company, only the staff of foreign delegations from participating countries may reach 5,000-10,000 people, including the staff and the organizers themselves.

Zhanar Serdalina

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