
MNE of Kazakhstan: "Taxes will not rise"

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The increase of the tax burden on business is not foreseen

Today in the Mazhilis was held a presentation of the project of the republican budget for 2017-2019 years. It is expected that in 2018 and 2019 the revenue (excluding transfers) will increase to the level of the previous year to 224 billion KZT and 314.9 billion KZT respectively. During the presentation it was emphasized that the income tax will take the largest share (97.3%) in the revenue of the republican budget of 2017. Commenting on these forward-looking indicators, the Minister of national economy of Kazakhstan Kuandyk Bishimbayev noted that an increase of the tax burden on taxpayers and, in particular on business, is out of the question. "In fact, tax revenues are growing, but they are growing because we have a better prognosis in terms of oil production, industrial indicators, growth in mining and manufacturing, the service sector. Therefore, additional economic activity provides an additional tax increase. Currently, we are not planning any tax rate increase ", - said the Minister.

Kuandik Bishimbayev answered the question about the volume of state support for SME in the three-year draft budget plan. Commenting on the subject, the Minister of National Economy said that SMEs are now maintained by the "Business Road Map", subsidies of the interest rate on loans in banks. "The amounts that are foreseen, they are on the level of 2016 year, and formed on the basis of the applications that come to us from the regions. That is, we do not allocate the additional amounts this year", - said the Minister.

According to Kuandyk Bishimbaeva 200 billion was allocated in 2014 from the National Fund for lending to SME at the rate of 6%, 100 billion tenge in 2015 from the National Fund.

"In terms of anti-crisis plan of the Government, which was adopted in April this year, it provided nearly 535 billion tenge for crediting of small and medium businesses -. They are coming from SNPF and additional funds that are returned from the previous programs of the National Fund. All this is reflected in the fact that at the end of eight months the amount of lending by second level banks for SME rose by almost 36% since the beginning of the year, all these money start to work. Therefore, there is no need for additional injections at the moment", - stated the Minister.

Kuandik Bishimbayev added that "the money on a revolving basis will continue to work, they are given for a sufficiently long period both to holdings and banks". "And therefore, as they mature, they will again be made available to support SMEs", - concluded the Minister of National Economy.


Zhanar Serdalina

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