
Mamila Musabekova: "A woman should not set a goal to be more successful than a man"

- Almaty Region
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The Chairman of the Regional Council of Business Women of Almaty region, deputy of maslikhat of Taldykorgan Mamila Musabekov says what concerns women, about relations with the Association of Business Women, and why it is important for a woman to be in business.

- The Regional Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region was established on 30th of March last year. Of course, for any organization or structure - it's quite a short time to count results. But nevertheless, what did the Council of business women do for the development of women's entrepreneurship?

- With the creation of the Council of Business Women women entrepreneurs throughout the country felt not in words but in deeds the support and willingness on the part of NCE "Atameken" to assist in the development and prosperity of the business, recognizing the importance of their contribution to the welfare of the region, the country as a whole. When we created the Council, it was important to hear the voice of rural women. We would like to draw attention to women entrepreneurs in rural areas, who are not media persons and their work is not particularly noticeable, but every day they work and develop their own business. Supporting them in the field, we are changing stereotypes and attitudes that women can’t run business. Today, in all parts of our region were established and operate regional Councils of business women, uniting entrepreneurs with an active lifestyle. For eighteen months, we have conducted more than 30 meetings, conferences, forums and seminars to discuss and to address issues of women's entrepreneurship. For example, in July this year Aksu district hosted a forum of business women. The large-scale event brought together more than 60 participants. The main guest of the event was the Deputy Chairman of the National Commission for Women Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lyazzat Suleimen, who noted that the lack of access to information is a major obstacle to entrepreneurial initiative and urged women to be more active, to use all the measures of state support. The forum was organized by the exhibition "Tabysker ayel kelbetі" - successful businesswomen presented to participants confectionery, bakery products, ready-made garments. The video stories about successful women did not leave anyone indifferent. Events in this format were held in Sarkansk and Kerbulak Districts.

The strong impression made the trip of 18 business women of Almaty region to ICBC "Khorgos" to meet with businesswomen from the Republic of China. We were surprised by the attitude of the state to the role of women in society. At the event, the Chinese authorities awarded 10 women from different sectors and fields of activity for their contribution to the development of the region. The organizers have demonstrated their high regard and respect for women. During the meeting we exchanged experiences, established relationships for future cooperation. Thus, the CEO of the shopping center "Dongfang" Ms Wang Yan expressed her readiness to support our business ideas. She has 8 kinds of business, and is one of the most influential women in the region. Therefore, our visit was very fruitful and interesting, the participants returned with new ideas, gained a lot of experience and skills.

- Prior to the creation of the Council in Almaty region operated a branch of the Association of Business Women, which unites all the women in the region. At the beginning of the formation of the Council was the main question: for what purpose and why was created a new organization ? Mamila Kurmanzhanovna, tell me what is the difference between the functions and activities of the Council and the Association?

- Of course, the question of the relevance of creating a Council troubled many people, not only women. There were questions as: Why duplicate the activities of the Association, how will you be helping women, etc. The basic idea behind the creation of the Council is to strengthen the mobilization of women in the region's business environment. The Council has the task to stimulate the economic activity of women entrepreneurs through the organization of awareness-raising activities, the provision of organizational, methodological, consulting and informational support to budding women entrepreneurs. If the Association of Business Women was created to support women in all areas, the Council was formed to assist in the business. When the public got acquainted with the specific goals and objectives of the Council's activities, all questions have been removed. On the other hand, the authority of the Chairwoman of the Association Rimma Salykova, who is also the chairwoman of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region. Rimma Azhdarovna has built a friendly relationship between the organizations. So many of our activities take place jointly.

- Probably, our region – is one of the unique regions where between the Council and the Association was formed a successful tandem ...

- You're right. As I said, thanks to Rimma Azhdarovne we have friendly, welcoming and friendly relations both in life and in the business environment. The members of the Council and the Association – are the most active and vibrant people. So many projects both within the line of CBW and ABW are implemented together. We do one thing.

- You frequently visit districts and villages, meet with the rural business community. What do rural women say? What concerns them?

- Despite the fact that districts are different, but the issues of concern of women are almost the same everywhere. Firstly, in the villages there is lack of awareness of entrepreneurs and residents about the state of business support programs. The issue of unavailability of soft loans is also quite relevant. If we want to develop business in the village, we have to give out cheap and affordable loans. Other conditions and arrangements are not acceptable for entrepreneurs.

There are few representations of second-tier banks, development institutions and financial institutions in rural areas. Therefore, each event is held with the participation of representatives of financial institutions. And we always invite unemployed women to such meetings, for whom the topic will be useful and important. In addition, the actual problem is the question of land relations, tax law and marketing.

For example, in ​​Sarkansk district among the problematic issues is the development of public-private partnership (PPP). Afterwards, we have conducted a workshop on the creation and development of private preschool institutions. At the event, representatives of development institutions, financial organizations spoke about the program and the measures of state support of PPP. Specialists of the department of education, entrepreneurship, protection of the rights of consumers have noted recent changes in the regulatory and legal acts that allow to open private pre-school institutions. The director of the educational center “Intellecity”, the chairwoman of the Association of private institutions of preschool education of Almaty region Marzhan Akhmetzhanova noted the successful example of opening and maintaining a kindergarten. She has extensive experience in this field, and her advice and recommendations served as the basis for setting up a business. After the seminar two PPP projects are prepared in Sarkansk district.

- Speaking about the challenges and achievements in women's entrepreneurship, how do you assess the current role of women in Kazakhstan What has changed in the last 20 years?

- You know, earlier female business was not taken seriously, there were different stereotypes. But they forget that in the early 90's women had to feed their families, along with the men took up different jobs, including business. Today, a woman entrepreneur has her rightful place in the business, and often in areas considered to be all-male. Therefore, in Kazakhstan there is favorable, democratic atmosphere for the development of women's entrepreneurship, where there is equal access to both financial resources, the opportunity to participate and to make decisions, to discuss and to have an opinion on many issues. We notice this even at organized events, at which the first heads of the districts provide active support.

- Now, about personal affairs. Management of the Council is a public work. How important is it for you to be engaged in social activities?

- You know, to share with others knowledge and skills, to help to develop and to improve - it's worth a lot. On the other hand, this work inspires me and inspires for new achievements. When you see the result of the work, and that someone starts a business or becomes successful, it is precious. So I easily combine social work and always try to organize everything.

- And what does your family think about your active social and political life? Tell us about your family.

- I grew up in a large family, parents instilled friendly attitude, support and love to each other. They never opposed my choice. Of course, every family wishes mother-wife to pay more time to them, and our family is no exception. My family tries to treat with understanding and support my social work. I am infinitely grateful to them for this. If we talk about my family, my husband Omar is working in one of the city's schools. Our children Gulnaz and Diaz live in Almaty, daughter graduated in KBTU, and Diaz - son is a student of 3rd year KazGASA.

- And the last question. Do you think that is why it is important to be a woman in business?

- You know, business is not divided into men's, women's and youth. But we always say that a woman has the right to create and to participate in the business. A woman should not set a goal to be the most successful and to prosper more than a man. Business – is another opportunity for a woman to realize her potential, to help society and the family. I think it's better than sitting at home or do nothing at all. The woman – is the cradle of life, family support. Therefore, in the business, we can always succeed. It is necessary to be stubborn, to go ahead and not to give up. Sometimes it happens that, if the first time it did not work, then people just give up, and we wait for someone to come and to rescue us. But miracles do not always happen. Therefore, all must be taken into own hands.

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