
Sturgeon, EXPO, production

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Businessmen are actively trying to diversify its business in Karaganda region

Small and medium enterprises of Karaganda region are booming. Such an assessment was given at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications by the deputy akim Zhandos Abishev. According to him, over 25 years of Kazakhstan's independence the number of active small and medium-sized businesses in the region has increased five-fold, reaching "more than 86 thousand subjects". "The volume of products produced by them is estimated at 700 billion tenge, which is comparable with the volume of the two industrial giants, such as "Arcelor Mittal Temirtau" and "Corporation "Kazakhmys", - said Deputy Akimr.

Elaborating on the situation in the field of SMEs at the request of the correspondent, the head of the regional office of business support Tatiana Ablaeva added that instruments of state support have become a great help for business. "First and foremost, this support within the "Business Road Map", which is very popular in the Karaganda region, more than 1,000 entrepreneurs have supported this program". According to Tatiana Ablaeva "investments amounted to more than 100 billion tenge", which, in turn, allowed for an entrepreneurial boom.

At the same time enterprises are actively trying to restructure its business in an effort to take a new business niche.

"Interesting is the fact that the owners are trying to move away from trade and move more to production. If previously, an entrepreneur was a dealer, now he buys the equipment and starts to produce these products", - added Tatiana Ablaeva. For example, there are now in the manufacture of lamps, special hoses for railway tracks and wagons clutches. In addition, in the village Ushtobe of Bukarzhyrau district was opened a sturgeon farm. It is expected that the annual volume will be 45 tons of sturgeon based on recirculation.

Karaganda business actively joined the construction of facilities and infrastructure for EXPO-2017. According to akimat, 23 enterprises of the region closest to Astana signed contracts for 9.1 billion tenge.

In the area of ​​economic attention of Karaganda business are now prospects for the development of road service after the completion of the reconstruction of the route Astana-Temirtau. According to Tatiana Ablaeva objects to be build along the route, are divided into categories A, B, C, depending on the type. Applications from companies wishing to participate in the creation of a new road infrastructure are being accepted now.

Zhanar Serdalina

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