
Young people have something to be proud of and something to strive for

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The Council of Youth Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region is unanimous with the Address of the President of the country in which are identified the vectors of development

"Future belongs to the country's youth and in the next 25 years people of the same age as Independence will be on the front line, who will implement the accelerated technological modernization of the economy. And there are all possibilities for them - this is a free vocational education, it is an unprecedented program of productive employment and the development of mass entrepreneurship, during the implementation of which the people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to learn the skills of entrepreneurship, financial literacy, to receive service support and to obtain micro credits of uo to 16 million tenge for its business ", - said Ainur Zaurbekova, chairwoman of the youth entrepreneurship Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region, a member of the Council of businesswomen, a businesswoman, Manager of Career Center (vocational guidance, education and employment).

In her opinion, the stated goals are very high, and now it is necessary to take all measures in the regions so that young people have the opportunity to realize themselves constructively. "Time itself requires new forms of work with young people for the realization of potential of young people need, to engage them as full participants in the implementation of government programs. In anticipation of the upcoming landmark event in the life of Kazakhstan - EXPO 2017 and on the eve of the Strategic Development Plan until 2025 - the third modernization of the country, it is important to support youth initiatives in the field of IT- startups, green technologies that make possible the widespread development and implementation of elements of the fourth industrial revolution: automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, exchange of large volume data, 3D-Printing, online trading, mobile banking and digital services ", - said Aigul Zaurbekova.

This work was initiated by the Council of youth entrepreneurship in the past year, when the competitions “Best young scientist of Zhambyl region-2016" and "Best Youth Innovation Project - 2016" were held with the support of the Office on youth policy of akimat of Zhambyl region.

"In 2017, it is necessary to unite the efforts and to involve local executive bodies to work on a new level. We are confident that with youth, including the Council of youth entrepreneurship will cooperate office on youth policy, and management of business and industrial-innovative development of Zhambyl regional akimat, - said the chairwoman of the Youth Entrepreneurship Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs. - Joining forces we will help to create youth business incubator, supporting youth technology initiatives, it will be possible to carry out the tasks set out in the Address".


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