
NCE "Atameken" will insist on Kazakh content in major subsoil projects

- Atyrau Region
8965 просмотров

The head of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev outlined the challenges faced currently by the Chamber.

"In Atyrau region will be an important event in the spring of next year, Tengizchevroil (TCO) will start the project. It will be a big driver for the business. The work on the modernization of the Atyrau Refinery, work on Kashagan continue, the launch of which is expected at the end of next year, so all the companies that work in the oilfield services, engineering will be provided with jobs. It is necessary to work closely with mining companies. Questions of public procurement - is also one of the tasks faced by NCE", - said Timur Kulibayev at a meeting of the leadership of the Chamber with the Regional Council of Atyrau region.

He noted that in the near future will be reached agreement with the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna". "There are two tools. One is long-term contracts. For those who are going to modernize production, they will seek for long-term contracts. Second - this is a list of bona fide suppliers of goods and services to support our Kazakh entrepreneurs. During the procurement of national companies should also be taken into account a list of bona fide suppliers and pricing issues. Today, even the head of "KazMunaiGas" says that there are pumps in one place for one price, elsewhere – for another price, and it is one and the same company. Center Price for price monitoring and bone fide suppliers - these two tools that we have to work with", - said the head of the Presidium.

The second important set of issues that is facing NCE, according to Timur Kulibayev, is a regional map of development.

"It is necessary to define the areas of specialization. Region – it is a macro level, it is necessary for each region to determine what must be done. If in each region we will establish a number of projects, it will be contribution of NCE to the industrialization", - he stressed.

However, as the head of the presidium, specialization should affect both the agricultural sector and the food industry and mechanical engineering, and services.

"In general, for the whole range of issues, we should render support, where we can. What will be the task of NCE? To accompany these projects, to help with training of staff and provide the support measures as well as financing. It will be work for our Chamber of Commerce, which will look for potential investors", - he explained.

"You know, sometimes producers participate in the fair with no intention to demonstrate anything. For example: in Akmola region opened a factory for the production of combine harvesters, in the neighboring NKR there is a same production. And it's different businesses. And then it turns out that there is no unification of services, spare parts, etc. The Government will save on everything. Subsidies before we distributed to everyone. We as businessmen, have to offer the state an effective project, which we consider viable. We need a responsible approach to the development of the map of regional projects", - concluded Timur Kulibayev.

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