
Our entrepreneurs will be trained at the money of foreign creditors

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The Government of Kazakhstan will borrow a huge amount of money from foreign creditors for training of small and medium businesses

To be precise, it is about 40 million US dollars. This amount will be allocated for the term of five years until 2019.  The Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan plans to attract a foreign loan. This was announced during the discussion of the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Ratification of the Loan Agreement” (Project of improving the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises) between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development".

The purpose of the document seems to be quite noble and important - training and identification of potential of Kazakhstani businessmen, invitation of professional advisors for education of SMEs, support of the interconnections of small and medium businesses in competitive sectors, etc.

However, Mazhilismen welcomed the draft law with "hostility". Deputies did not like the intention of the Ministry of National Economy to borrow money on the side, at the same time, as it was noted by the head of department Erbolat Dosayev, co-financing of foreign loans is planned from the state budget in the amount of about 1.5 billion (6 million US dollars).

After fiery speeches, Mazhilis approved the draft law. But before the vote, deputies asked the Minister of National Economy Yerbolat Dosayeva to ensure the effectiveness of budget spending on this project and the scope of business as a whole.

Zhanar Serdalina

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