
How does small and medium business evaluate the business climate in Kazakhstan?

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NCE RK "Atameken" conducts a survey among SMEs, to obtain a reliable picture of the business climate in the country

Development of small and medium-sized businesses is a prerequisite for sustainable economic development in the long term.

The role of small and medium-sized enterprises increases in the conditions of economic uncertainty and turbulence. This is due to the fact that small and medium-sized enterprises due to their inherent mobility and flexibility may become a strategic resource, allowing to mitigate the negative effects of the crisis. Small and medium-sized enterprises can solve the problem of reduction and narrowing of large businesses through creation of new jobs. SME sector can ensure social adaptation of redundant workers from large companies. In addition, SMEs form new markets niches and points of economic growth.

Today Kazakhstan adopts systematic measures for the development of the SME sector. There is a uniform program for support of entrepreneurship "Business Road Map - 2020", which determines the key directions of the state policy in the field of raising private entrepreneurial initiative. An institutional framework, including an extensive system of public and private organizations. However, it should be noted that in the light of a slowdown in economic growth and the difficult economic situation in the external environment, it is necessary to transform the system of business support and development.

However, the adaptation of the strategy under the new conditions requires a detailed and systematic study of the environment in which entrepreneurial activity is realized. In this regard, it is increasing the relevance of the study of the business environment or the so-called business climate.

Business climate, reflecting the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the business environment, is a determining factor in entrepreneurial activity.

Research of the business environment - is a key element to support enterprise policy, as instability and unpredictability of the business environment evokes the decline of investments, and slows the growth in the future. In this regard, today many countries use business barometer tools to analyze the business environment, changes in the dynamics of its basic characteristics in order to identify policy priorities in the field of development and support of SMEs.

Different tools are used to determine the conditions of the business environment, but the most popular is a survey of business owners. As this very category discloses the needs and interests of the business and can suggest best decisions, affecting business.

In this regard, the Secretariat of the Committee of SME of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" is conducting a survey of SMEs to obtain information about the state of the business climate in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

LLP "Center for Sustainable Development of the capital" (LLP "CSDC") provided their technical capabilities to ensure a broad coverage, which allows collection and processing of questionnaires at the central level without the involvement of employees of RCEs.

The website of LLP "CSDS" posted a questionnaire drawn up by the staff of the Secretariat. Read and fill in the questionnaire at the following links: in the Russian language in the Kazakh language

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