
The more investments are injected, the better develops the region

- Mangistau Region
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Head of "Atameken" believes that it is necessary to pay special attention to attraction of foreign investors

This was stated by the chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Kulibayev said at the enlarged session of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region.

Speaking before members of the Regional Council, the head of "Atameken" noted the positive results of the work of RCE in provision of non-financial business support. For example, more than 6000 applications were submitted, and more than 1,000 entrepreneurs were trained from July 2015, by the results of work 110 projects were accompanied and financed in the total amount of 317 million tenge.

"Appeals to the center for servicing entrepreneurs has been steadily growing. In this regard, regional akimat supported the initiative of the regional chamber to establish a centre for servicing entrepreneurs – LLP "Center for servicing entrepreneurs "Mangistau". CSE began work in three areas: work with investors, analysis and training, project support and consulting services", - said Timur Kulibayev.

According to akim of Mangistau region Alik Aidarbayev, on the initiative of RCE the Akimat transferred the center for servicing investors to the newly established CSE "Mangistau". This demonstrates the high confidence of the local executive body to the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

According to the director of RCE Olzhas Karzhauov, there has been developed a clear mechanism for work with investors on the basis of the CSE "Mangistau". Timur Kulibayev instructed the Directorate of RCE to focus on attraction of foreign investors.

Karzhauov also said that on the basis of the CSE "Mangistau" was launched a project of training rural entrepreneurs to the basics of camel breeding, greenhouse agriculture and aquaculture.

"In addition, there was established a department of consulting and project management, the function of which is to assist in obtaining permits, borrowed funds from commercial banks and other financial institutions, development of business plans, preparation of documents for funding by IFO "Atameken ", advice on measures of state support. This, among other things, allows an entrepreneur to save time and, most importantly, to avoid contact with officials", - said the head of RCE.

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