
Requests for purchase don’t stop to come!

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After the intervention of "Atameken", 80% medical organization of the city wish to sign an agreement with Almaty manufacturer

One of the priorities of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" is to support domestic producers in procurement. At the site od "Atameken" are held weekly meetings of representatives of subsidiaries of JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna" and Kazakh entrepreneurs on cooperation and long-term contracts. Last year, NCE RK and JSC "Samruk-Kazyna" signed an agreement on cooperation on this issue, and this year "Atameken" concluded the Memorandum with eight "subsidaries" of the Fund. Today, there are real results of this work. Representatives of SMEs are grateful to the Chamber for facilitation in conclusion of long-term contracts, as in times of crisis and in the context of integration it becomes vital for small companies.

LLP “Dolce” was formed in 1998 and is the largest Kazakhstan manufacturer of disposable medical products, professional supplies and medicines. It is the only manufacturer of activated 0.25 carbon in Kazakhstan (number 10 "Ultra adsorption"). "We would like to thank the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty for the organization and establishment of the committee on monitoring of the local content in the procurement. In connection with the current situation and the global crisis, we, as a Kazakh producer, believe that support is very important. Today we received requests for the purchase of our products by 80% of medical institutions of Almaty, and we signed contracts worth more than 8 million tenge", - said the representative of Saule Makesheva.

Another Almaty company "PO file A4" is the only domestic manufacturer of stationery files-liners. It works full-cycle, starting with the production of the film up to the finished product. "Our files are of high quality with an affordable price. Advantages of working with us - it is, as a rule, the availability of finished products in stock, fast production time", - said the representative of the company Evgeny Ten.

"Thanks to the participation in the meeting of the Committee on monitoring of the local content in the procurement organized by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty with the participation of the Department of Education, contracts for the amount of more than 100 000 tenge were signed with us. Given the low cost of our products, it is only the beginning. I would like to say that it is a great support "for us, entrepreneurs, small business”, - he said.

Limited Liability Company "VECTOR PC", having an office in the city of Astana, was formed in 2006 with a population of about 50 employees, who were trained in Germany, Turkey and China. The main activity of LLP "PC" Vector "is the Home Line” with up to 40 thousand square meters per month. In 2014, according to the results of the competition "#1 Choice of the Year in Kazakhstan” the trademark “HOME LINE” was recognized as the winner in the category "PVC window sills #1 of domestic production in Kazakhstan". Also in 2015, on the basis of the ranking, the company entered the top 45 by nomenclature 22.23.1 (Manufacture of plastic products) and obtained the National Certificate "Industry Leader".

"I would like to express special thanks to the representatives of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana city for the ongoing work in the field of protection of rights and support of domestic producers and for their assistance in signing contracts with construction companies and general contractors", - said the director of the branch of the company in Astana Vladimir Liang.

With the direct assistance of NCE "Atameken", LLP "PC" Vector" became one of the domestic manufacturers, involved in the preparation for the exhibition "EXPO-2017". "After your letters addressed to the general contractor of "EXPO-2017", we have signed contracts on supply of windowsill with subcontractors BI-GROUP: LLP “AVS-Plast” - in the amount of 1.356 million tenge and LLP “Vanguard” – in the amount of 3.256 million tenge", - he said, adding that "Vector" will continue to work with these companies to enter into new contracts.

It should be noted that during the period of joint work NCE "Atameken" and "Samruk-Kazyna", on August 1, 2014 to March 31, 2016, with the assistance of NCE concluded 955 long-term contracts with domestic producers worth more than 410 billion tenge.

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